Saturday 24 October 2009

Back in the States again

Hi all!

I have finally returned to the motherland - good ole, U S of A!! I'm back in Florida for a little while and then will be bouncing back and forth between here and NJ. I still have many stories and adventures to recount from my travels in Scotland and also my East Coast road trip here in the states, so if its all right with you I'll keep going with my blogging if you're interested... I have about 2,000 pictures to sort through and I have to remember all the cool things I did while still in Scotland that I never told you about! My memory is pretty bad so I hope I'm up for the task. I'll have to carry around a pad of paper and jot down memories as they pop into my little head.

So I just wanted to keep you all up to date, and be looking for a new blog posting in the next few days!

See you later! :-)

Thursday 24 September 2009

The last group of pictures from the trail - promise!

So, which way do I go???
The famous Old Course at St. Andrews Links - no that is not Tiger Woods putting...
The view of the city of St. Andrews from on top of St. Rule's Tower
Watching the sunrise
The best part of the sunrise at St. Andrews

I'm not kidding - more pics of the Fife path

St. Andrew's Cathedral at sunset

My cairn -I wonder how long it will stand?
so WINDY!!!
Lunch break of banana's, granola bar and water - yum :-)

and more pictures of the path

Quick picture break
The rock and the spindle - pretty neat

more beach walking!
My big feet :-)

Yup, more pictures of the path

You gotta be kidding me? Wait for the tide to recede? I could be here all night!
The most North Eastern tip of my run
So pretty!
The cute little harbor of Crail. You can almost see my little lobster shack in the corner, too bad its a shack and its little :-)

Fife Coastal Path Pictures

A cool rock formation along the way - can you spot the face?
St. Monan's Windmill
Lady's Tower
One of the many little lighthouses dotting the coast line
I have no idea what this is. It was in the middle of nowhere, for no apparent reason, and of course, I took a picture of it like a true tourist :-)

Pics from the Trail

The home of Alexander Selkirk
One of the many beaches I trudged across :-)
All suited up in my rain gear!

A cute little fishing village along the way