Saturday, 24 October 2009

Back in the States again

Hi all!

I have finally returned to the motherland - good ole, U S of A!! I'm back in Florida for a little while and then will be bouncing back and forth between here and NJ. I still have many stories and adventures to recount from my travels in Scotland and also my East Coast road trip here in the states, so if its all right with you I'll keep going with my blogging if you're interested... I have about 2,000 pictures to sort through and I have to remember all the cool things I did while still in Scotland that I never told you about! My memory is pretty bad so I hope I'm up for the task. I'll have to carry around a pad of paper and jot down memories as they pop into my little head.

So I just wanted to keep you all up to date, and be looking for a new blog posting in the next few days!

See you later! :-)